Sergey Dymov
The analyzing powers in proton-deuteron elastic and
proton-neutron quasi-elastic scattering were measured at small
angles using a polarized proton beam at the COSY storage ring
incident on an unpolarized deuterium target. Data were taken at 796
MeV and five energies from 1600 MeV to 2400 MeV. The analyzing
power in pd elastic scattering was studied by detecting the low
energy recoil deuteron in telescopes placed symmetrically in the
COSY plane to the left and right of the beam whereas for pn
quasi-elastic scattering a low energy proton was registered in one
of the telescopes in coincidence with a fast scattered proton
measured in the ANKE magnetic spectrometer. Though the experiment
explores new domains, the results are consistent with the limited
published information. The ratio of the deuteron to proton
analyzing power in pd elastic scattering is broadly consistent with
the predictions of an extended Glauber model.
Primary author
Sergey Dymov