Nigel Buttimore
(Trinity College Dublin)
Seeking the level of polarization of spin-polarized hadrons that have
been accelerated to high energies is a continuing challenge. A
theoretical study of electromagnetic hadronic interference indicates
that scattering of polarized protons and polarized helium-3 ions at
small angles on a suitable target can provide an effective
polarimeter. A more complete understanding of the asymmetry of the
collisions requires one to assess the hadronic spin dependent
amplitudes. Recent proton forward scattering data taken at two
distinct energies using a polarized hydrogen jet as target have
revealed that single and double helicity flip hadronic amplitudes,
while small, are clearly non-zero. An analysis of the spin dependent
amplitudes at the two incident energies in terms of exchanges with
different spin, charge conjugation and parity properties enables an
interpolation of the analyzing powers over a range of energies with
implications for polarimetry.
Primary author
Nigel Buttimore
(Trinity College Dublin)