Mikhail Gorshteyn
(Mainz University)
We propose a novel dispersion relations-based evaluation of the $\gamma W$-box correction to the universal radiative correction $\Delta_R^V$ to the neutron and nuclear $\beta$ decay. This correction is the main source of the theoretical uncertainty in extracting the value of $V_{ud}$ from those decay processes. We relate the needed input into the dispersion integral to the data on neutrino and antineutrino scattering. This leads to a significant shift in the central value accompanied by a reduction of the uncertainty due to hadronic structure. Applied to the superallowed nuclear $\beta$ decays, these two effect create a tension in the first row CKM unitarity if assuming all other ingredients remain unchanged, $|V_{ud}|^2+|V_{us}|^2+|V_{ub}|^2=0.9983(4)$. We discuss further ways to improve the precision of the calculation of the $\gamma W$-box, and point out that dispersion relations provide a unified formalism for hadronic and nuclear corrections to nuclear beta decay.
Primary author
Mikhail Gorshteyn
(Mainz University)