9–14 Sept 2018
University of Ferrara
Europe/Rome timezone

Neutron spin structure studies at EIC

13 Sept 2018, 17:20
A8 (Polo degli Adelardi - Via Adelardi, 33)


Polo degli Adelardi - Via Adelardi, 33

Via Adelardi, 33
Parallel Sessions Future Facilities and Experiments Future Facilities and Experiments


Alessio Del Dotto (INFN)


The study of the nucleon (spin) structure in terms of its basic degrees of freedom is a central pillar of the EIC initiative; the availability of deuteron and 3He polarized beams will offer unprecedented opportunities to do measurements on the neutron comparable to those of the proton; the combination of these data will deepen our understanding of many aspects of the nucleon spin physics: from a more precise test of the Bjorken sum rule to a finer picture of flavor structure of the nucleon sea, as well as a precise determination of different spin and transverse momentum dependent distribution functions, at leading and higher twists. Moreover, the almost close kinematics, large acceptance detectors typical of a collider, will potentially offer new measurement perspectives beyond the asymmetries.

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