Andrea Moretti
(University of Trieste / INFN)
In 2016 and 2017 the COMPASS Collaboration has measured 160 GeV/c muon scattering on a 2.5 m long liquid Hydrogen target. The main goal of the measurement was to access GPDs via the deeply virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) process, but in parallel SIDIS data were collected to investigate the azimuthal modulations of the hadron lepto-production cross-section. In this talk we present preliminary results from part of the 2016 data on the cos(phi) and cos(2phi) modulations, where the angle phi is the azimuthal angle of the hadron in a reference system with the z-axis along the virtual photon direction, the x-z plane is the lepton scattering plane and the positive x-direction along the lepton transverse momentum. The new preliminary results are compared with the existing published data.
Primary author
Andrea Moretti
(University of Trieste / INFN)