The Course, organized by the INFN Section of Padua, by the Department of Physics and Astronomy and by the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padua, is supported by the INFN National Laboratories of Legnaro.
It is of interest for PhD students and postgraduates, young scientists, technical personnel and young technologists, operating in the fields of High Energy Physics, Astrophysics,, Space Science and Technologies, Medical Physics in Universities, Research Institutes and Industries who have interest to deepening the following thematics:
1) semiconductor detectors, electronic devices and systems and their application for High Energy Physics, Astrophysics, Space Science and Technologies and Medical Physics;
2) radiation effects in semiconductor detectors, optical and electronic devices and components;
3) Italian and European irradiation facilities for interdisciplinary applications.

Admission is free. Places available 90

INFN National Laboratories of Legnaro
Aula Villi
Viale dell’Università, 2 Legnaro (Padova)

Course organization: the lessons are from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and are developing the following temthematics:

  • 1st day Monday. Visit of the INFN National Laboratories of Legnaro. The measurements and the fundamental physical quantities of radiation and radiation environments in High Energy Physics, Space and Medical Physics. Introduction to semiconductor detectors from the device point of view.
  • 2nd day Tuesday. Semiconductor detectors: damage from a microscopic and macrosopic point of view, the techniques to improve the radiation hardness. State of the art for the detectors in CMS, ATLAS, ALICE and CDF experiments.
  • 3rd day Wednesday. Front-end electronics for High Energy Physics experiments. Radiation Effects on electronics: total dose damage, single event effects: destructive and non-destructive.
  • 4th day Thursday. The radiation environment in Space and at ITER. Optical materials for Space, solar cells, material charging and electrostatic discharge prevention, nanosatellites, the European irradiation facilities.
  • 5th day Friday. Interdisciplinary and Medical application of radiation and accelerators.

Each day is organized in lessons of 8 modules of 50 minutes (4 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon).
The lesson will be held by University professors, specialists from Universities, Research Institutions, Italian and European Industries.

The official language of the lessons is English.