19–21 Apr 2017
Trieste - Italia
Europe/Rome timezone
Proceedings: Il Nuovo Cimento C, Vol. 41, N. 1-2, 2018 : https://www.sif.it/riviste/sif/ncc/econtents/2018/041/01-02

Search for new physics with b -> s l+ l- decays at LHCb

20 Apr 2017, 15:00
Aula Magna - Edificio H3 (Trieste - Italia)

Aula Magna - Edificio H3

Trieste - Italia

Università degli Studi di Trieste Via Valerio nº 12/2 I-34127 Trieste (TS)
Oral contribution Sessione Frontiera Intensità Sessione Frontiera Intensita'


Mr Simone Bifani (University of Birmingham)


The family of decays mediated by $b \to s l^+ l^-$ transitions provides a rich laboratory to search for effects of physics beyond the Standard Model. In recent years LHCb has found hints of deviations from theoretical predictions both in the rates and angular distributions of such processes. In addition, hints of lepton flavour non-universality have been seen when comparing $B^+ \to K^+\mu^+\mu^-$ and $B^+ \to K^+e^+e^-$ decay rates, with the so-called $R_K$ ratio. Similar observables in different decays, such as $R_{K*}=BR(B^0 \to K*\mu^+\mu^-)/BR(B^0 \to K*e^+e^-)$ and others, can also be measured by LHCb, thus providing further avenues to test the effectiveness of lepton flavour universality. The latest results from LHCb in this sector will be presented.

Primary author

Mr Simone Bifani (University of Birmingham)

Presentation materials