Session V-b
- Ekaterina Christova (Institute for Nulcear Research and Nuclear Energy of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, INRNE - BAS)
Tobias Frederico
(Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica)
15/12/2017, 11:05
The structure of a pseudo-scalar fermion-antifermion bound state is i nvestigated through the solution of the Bethe-Salpeter equation in Minkowski space. The kernel is truncated to the ladder approximation, a form factor is introduced in the vertex, with the exchanged particle being a massive, scalar, pseudo-scalar or a vector boson. The method used for the numerical solution of the...
Andrea Moretti
(INFN Trieste)
15/12/2017, 11:30
Due to their self-analyzing decay, the polarization of Λ hyperons has often been indicated as a possible way to access the transversity function h_1^{q}(x) in SIDIS, where it comes coupled to the chiral-odd H_1^{Λ/q}(z) fragmentation function. Such Λ transversity-transmitted polarization has been measured in COMPASS using the data collected with a transversely polarized proton target and a 160...
Carlo Flore
(INFN Cagliari)
15/12/2017, 11:55
We present an updated phenomenological analysis on transverse Single-Spin Asymmetries (SSAs) for inclusive hadron production in lepton-proton scattering. Adopting a transverse momentum dependent approach, we focus on the role of quasi-real (Weizsacker-Williams) photon exchange, showing its relative contribution to SSAs. Then, using the Sivers and the transversity distributions and the Collins...
Gary Goldstein
(Tufts University)
15/12/2017, 12:20
The production of heavy flavor quark pairs, especially top-anti-top at the LHC, proceed primarily through gluon fusion. Correlations between the gluon spins affects spin correlations between the produced quark and anti-quark. For top-antitop production, their spin asymmetries and double correlations of spins will be manifest in the subsequent hadronization and decay distributions. These...
Aurore Courtoy
(Instituto de Física, UNAM)
15/12/2017, 12:40
We discuss the impact of the determination of the nucleon tensor charge on searches for physics Beyond the Standard Model. We also comment on the future extraction of the subleading-twist PDF e(x) from Jefferson Lab soon-to-be-released Beam Spin Asymmetry data as well as from the expected data of CLAS12, as the latter is related to the scalar charge. These analyses are possible through the...