Session III-c
- Emanuele Pace (INFN TVG)
Martha Constantinou
(Temple University)
13/12/2017, 15:00
The 3D structure and tomography of the nucleon is among the frontiers of Nuclear Physics, and is under investigation in many experimental facilities worldwide. It also consists a key part of the physics program at a potential next-generation Electron-Ion-Collider. A progress in understanding the nucleons requires a synergy between the experimental and theoretical communities, and Lattice QCD...
Kostas Orginos
(JLab/William and Mary)
13/12/2017, 15:40
Recently methods for computing the x-dependence of parton distribution functions (PDFs) using lattice QCD were introduced. These methods are an exciting new direction in non-perturbative first principles calculations of hadronic structure. In this talk I am reviewing the basic ideas of this approach. I will introduce the concepts of quasi-PDFs and pseudo PDFs and discuss their relations and...