Bakur Parsamyan
(INFN Turin)
The COMPASS experiment at CERN (SPS, North area, M2 beamline), as part of its programme addresses the exploration of the spin structure of the nucleon by measuring spin (in)dependent azimuthal asymmetries in semi-inclusive DIS and, recently, also in Drell-Yan processes. Between 2002 and 2011 COMPASS performed a series of SIDIS measurements, using a longitudinally polarized muon beam impinging on longitudinally and transversely polarized 6LiD or NH3 targets. Drell-Yan measurements with a π- beam interacting with a transversely polarized NH3 target started with the 2015 run and will be continued in 2018. The measurement of the Sivers and other azimuthal asymmetries at similar hard scale in polarized SIDIS and Drell-Yan is a complementary and unique possibility to test predicted in QCD (pseudo-)universal features of transvers momentum dependent parton distribution functions. The main focus of this talk will be set on the results of the first ever polarized Drell-Yan measurements performed by COMPASS and related SIDIS results.
Primary author
Bakur Parsamyan
(INFN Turin)