Marc Pinsonneault
(Ohio State University),
Yveline Lebreton
(Paris Observatory)
9/22/17, 9:00 AM
Aldo Serenelli
(Institute of Space Sciences (CSIC-IEEC))
9/22/17, 9:15 AM
invited talk
Recent years have seen new developments of microphysics inputs such as radiative opacities and nuclear reaction rates, as well as qualitative advancement in modeling of macroscopic processes such as radiation hydrodynamics simulations of near surface convection. Moreover, new tools such as asteroseismology open up the possibility of obtaining empirical measurements to poorly constrained...
Elisabetta Caffau
9/22/17, 9:45 AM
invited talk
In order to derive the chemical composition of a star, observed spectra are compared to theoretical synthesis and to compute theoretical spectra the stellar atmosphere needs to be modelled. Several grids of stellar models are available as also several codes to compute them. The use of different models can imply differences in the abundances derived. We will discuss the limitations and...
James Bailey
(Sandia National Laboratories)
9/22/17, 10:45 AM
invited talk
Laboratory experiments have found iron opacity predictions are notably different from measurements performed at conditions similar to the boundary between the solar radiation and convection zone [Bailey et al., Nature (2015)]. The measurements help resolve discrepancies between helioseismology and solar models. However, it is essential to understand the difference between opacity predictions...
Alessandra Guglielmetti
(Università degli Studi di Milano and INFN Milano)
9/22/17, 11:15 AM
invited talk
Nuclear reaction rates in stellar conditions, or close to, are among the key parameters for stellar models. In the last 2-3 decades, huge efforts have been dedicated to their experimental determination with the least feasible uncertainty. In particular, Hydrogen burning key reactions belonging to pp chain and CNO or successive cycles (NeNa, MgAl) have been measured. In this talk, after a...
Francesca D'Antona
(INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma)
9/22/17, 11:45 AM
invited talk
In this talk I will touch the connection between two different problems: 1) the presence of `multiple stellar populations’ in Galactic Globular Clusters, testified by the presence of stars with important differences in the abundances of light elements in these systems, but not among the halo field stars, requires the formation of "second generation stars". How long is the time span required to...