25–26 set 2017
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Particle physics with neutrino telescopes

25 set 2017, 11:35


Congress Center, Aula Magna, Via Partenope 36, Napoli
Talk (20'+5') High-energy neutrino observations and perspectives High-energy neutrino observations and perspectives


Carlos de los Heros (Uppsala University)


Large-scale neutrino telescopes offer interesting possibilities to address particle physics topics ranging from particle searches to neutrino oscillations or tests of fundamental laws. They can even do so at energy ranges not accessible to accelerators, providing a much desired complementarity to accelerator-based physics. I will review recent results from the existing high-energy neutrino telescopes on searches for dark matter, monopoles, signatures for TeV gravity and extra dimensions, tests of Lorentz invariance and neutrino oscillations, among other topics.

Autore principale

Carlos de los Heros (Uppsala University)

Materiali di presentazione