4–9 Jun 2017
Europe/Rome timezone
A few places are still available.
After registration in the website, please wait for a confirmation before paying the FEE or sending the registration form to the hotel.

This event is organised by INFN, University of Sassari and by the Consorzio COMETA. The Seminar offers lectures to PHD students, medical physicists and young researchers working at Universities or Research Institutes.
The Seminar is organized in didactic units on software developed and used in fundamental and applied physics, theoretical and experimental. The lectures also include a full official basic course on the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit. Lectures will cover all aspects of the toolkit from basic installation through advanced topics and will be interspersed with examples that build progressively more complex application, extensible to real space and medical use.
On the last day of the School, students will have the opportunity to test their learning achievements through a written exam. The successful outcome of the test will be reported on a written certificate for those interested, to be requested on arrival, at the registration desk. A simple attendance certificate will also be available on request.
Staying at Hotel Porto Conte is mandatory for all the participants. 

Application for young grants request is closed.
Visit the Facebook page of the school to get news and updates.


-- Beneficiary name: CONSORZIO COMETA 

-- Beneficiary address: LARGO PAOLO VI  - Catania    - AGENZIA 4

IBAN :  IT47G0103016905000063131549



Specify your name and surname and in the 'REASON FOR PAYMENT', please indicate: 

"Participation fee for the XIV INFN Alghero Seminar"

NOTE: The fee must be payed in euro, italian current rate, (if not additional payment is expected for the rate exchange)

GEANT4 course material
Link to the virtual machine (VirtualBox compatible)

Link to the prerequisites for the Geant4 course

Link to the tasks

Link to the Geant4 application in medical diagnostic energy range

Link to the test
