This mini-workshop aims to lay the groundworks for the preliminary RF accelerator specification, in order to accomplish the first WP5 scientific milestone (M5.2).
This mini-workshop is addressed to those, within the EuPRAXIA collaboration, interested in the topic and directly involved in the Milestone 5.2, i.e. WP5,WP2,WP3,WP6,WP7,WP9,WP12,WP14.
The discussion will focus on:
This mini-workshop is addressed to those, within the EuPRAXIA collaboration, interested in the topic and directly involved in the Milestone 5.2, i.e. WP5,WP2,WP3,WP6,WP7,WP9,WP12,WP14.
The discussion will focus on:
- Scientific cases, highlighting requests from RF injector users, i.e. laser-driven and particle-driven external injection
- Overview on RF electron guns, highlighting pros&cons
- Next generation cryogenics RF photocathode sources
- Operational experience at both test and users facilities, e.g. SPARC_LAB, FLASH, etc.
- Contribution from under design facilities, e.g. SINBAD, etc.
Highlight of critical issues concerning
- beam stability (e.g. charge, energy, time duration, temporal separation in case of multi-drivers, pointing, …)
- synchronization
- repetition rate