First Name | Last Name | Affiliation |
Adrian | Pritchard | University of Liverpool |
Alessia | D'Orazio | INFN |
Andrzej | Bozek | Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN |
Antonio | Passeri | ROMA3 |
Asher | Kaboth | RHUL/RAL |
Carlos | Marinas | University of Bonn |
Carsten | Niebuhr | DESY |
Chiara | La Licata | INFN & Univ. Trieste |
Christoph | Schwanda | Institute of High Energy Physics, Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Cécile | Rimbault | LAL IN2P3/CNRS |
Evangelia | Drakopoulou | University of Edinburgh |
Federico | Sanchez | IFAE/BIST |
Francesca | Di Lodovico | QMUL |
Hans-Günther | Moser | MPI für Physik |
Jeanne | Wilson | QMUL |
Justyna | Lagoda | NCBJ |
Klemens | Lautenbach | JLU Giessen |
Lee | Thompson | University of Sheffield |
Maria-Gabriella | Catanesi | INFN Bari |
Mehmet Tevfik | Zeyrek | Middle East Technical University |
Nicola | Paoli | CAEN S.p.A. |
Patrick | Dunne | Imperial College London |
Peter | Kvasnicka | Charles University in Prague |
Raffaele | Giordano | INFN (Sez. Napoli) |
Riccardo | de Sangro | INFN - LNF |
Rok | Pestotnik | Jožef Stefan Institute |
Sara | Bolognesi | CEA Saclay |
Stefano | Lacaprara | INFN |
Szymon | Bacher | Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN |
Tara | Nanut | Jozef Stefan Institute |
Teppei | Katori | Queen Mary University of London |
Tom | Dealtry | Lancaster University |
Vincenzo | Berardi | INFN - Sezione di Bari |
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