Aula Majorana (Dip. di Fisica - Edificio G. Marconi)
Aula Majorana
Dip. di Fisica - Edificio G. Marconi
Due to different predicaments for K+ → π+νν vs KL → π0νν detection, a fallacy has persisted in the perceived Grossman-Nir bound on KL → π0νν search, which only the 2015 data of KOTO experiment can reach and hopefully breach. We point out this loophole, that KL → π0X0, where X0 is some missing energy object with missing mass similar to the pion, can be above the GN bound. An existence proof is given for a model with a gauged Lμ – Lτ symmetry, with vector-like quarks that link with SM quarks which induce KL → π0Z′ decay. The model illustrates the potential impact of the discovery of KL → π0X0, which could happen in the next few years.