The WPASM5 workshop will be divided in the following sections
Physical effects in superconducting microresonators
WS001Theory and measurements of fundamental parameters of superconductors and superconducting microresonators.
Materials and Fabrication
WS002High resistivity materials, novel materials, fabrication techniques.
MKIDs for optical, infrared, and millimeter wave telescopes
WS003Telescope arrays for present and next generation astronomy: mm and sub-mm imaging and spectroscopy, near-infrared to optical spectrophotometry.
MKIDs for other applications
WS004Superconducting microresonator for X-rays spectroscopy, neutrino physics, and rare events searches. Applications in quantum computing and homeland security.
Electronics and multiplexed readout
WS005Analog and digital electronics for microresonators multiplexing readout. Microresonators for Microwave SQUID multiplexing. Non-linear devices and parametric amplifiers.