22–24 Jun 2016
University of Milano-Bicocca
Europe/Rome timezone

New results from SuperSpec: developing an on-chip, mm-wave, KID-based, filter-bank spectrometer.

23 Jun 2016, 09:55
U4/08 (University of Milano-Bicocca)


University of Milano-Bicocca

Piazza della Scienza, 4 20126 - Milano
Oral Contribution MKIDs for optical, infrared, and millimeter wave telescopes Session 3: MKIDs for optical, infrared, and millimeter wave telescopes


Prof. Erik Shirokoff (University of Chicago)


SuperSpec is a novel, ultra-compact spectrometer-on-a-chip for millimeter and submillimeter wavelength astronomy. Its very small size, wide spectral bandwidth, and highly multiplexed detector readout will enable construction of powerful multibeam spectrometers for high-redshift observations of dusty star forming galaxies and intensity mapping of spectral lines from unresolved sources. SuperSpec employs a filter bank consisting of planar, lithographed superconducting transmission line resonators. Each mm-wave resonator is weakly coupled to both the feedline and to the inductive portion of a lumped element Kinetic Inductance Detector (MKID). The design is realized using thin film lithographic structures on a Si wafer, with titanium nitride MKID resonators. Prototypes consisting of sparse arrays have demonstrated background-limited operation at a resolving power of R~100, adequate suppression of out-of-band pickup, and well characterized mm-wave filter bank channels. I'll discuss the most recent optical test results for 50-channel, field-ready, prototype die, and plans for the deployment of a four pixel, R=400 demonstration instrument covering the 195-310GHz band in 2017.

Primary author

Prof. Erik Shirokoff (University of Chicago)


Dr Attila Kovacs (California Institute of Technology) Prof. Carole Tucker (Cardiff University) Dr Charles Matt Bradford (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Mr Corwin Shiu (California Institute of Technology) Mr George Che (Arizona State University) Dr Henry Leduc (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Prof. Jason Glenn (University of Colorado, Boulder) Prof. Jonas Zmuidzinas (California Institute of Technology) Mr Jordan Wheeler (University of Colorado, Boulder) Dr Matt Hollister (California Insitute for Technology) Dr Peter Barry (Cardiff University) Dr Peter Day (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Prof. Philip Mauskopf (Arizona State University) Dr Roger O'Brient (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Dr Ross Williamson (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Prof. Scott Chapman (Dalhousie University) Prof. Simon Doyle (Cardiff University) Dr Stephen Padin (University of Chicago) Dr Steven Hailey-Dunsheath (California Institute of Technology) Dr Theodore Reck (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)

Presentation materials