22–24 Jun 2016
University of Milano-Bicocca
Europe/Rome timezone

Development of DESHIMA: Superconducting on-chip spectrometer for submillimeter wave cosmology

22 Jun 2016, 09:55
U4/08 (University of Milano-Bicocca)


University of Milano-Bicocca

Piazza della Scienza, 4 20126 - Milano
Oral Contribution MKIDs for optical, infrared, and millimeter wave telescopes Session 1: MKIDs for optical, infrared, and millimeter wave telescopes - Part 1


Dr Akira Endo (TU Delft)


Ultra-wideband millimeter-submillimeter wave spectrometry can become a very efficient method for rapidly determining the redshift of dusty starbutst galaxies in the early Universe. We are developing a new instrument, DESHIMA (Deep Spectroscopic High-redshift Mapper), which takes advantage of the multiplexibility of KIDs to realize a spectrometer that covers the entire submillimeter band (326-905 GHz), with a frequency resolution of f/df = 500, and up to 7 spatial pixels. DESHIMA is remarkably compact, thanks to the on-chip filterbank spectrometer design, and also the adoption of an adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator (ADR) to operate the KIDs at 150 mK. The filterbank spectrometer chip consists of the following components: (1) a leaky-lens antenna to couple a linearly polarized beam to a coplanar waveguide (CPW) over the wide DESHIMA band, (2) an array of superconducting narrow band filters, each being a quarter-wavelength CPW resonator made of superconducting NbTiN, and (3) NbTiN/Al hybrid CPW KIDs. In the conference we will give an overview on the recent progress of DESHIMA, focusing especially on the development of the on-chip filterbank.

Primary author

Dr Akira Endo (TU Delft)


Mr David Thoen (TU Delft) Dr Jochem Baselmans (SRON) Dr Juan Bueno (SRON) Dr Kenichi Karatsu (TU Delft) Prof. Kotaro Kohno (Univ. Tokyo) Mr Nozomu Tomita (Univ. Tokyo) Mr Nuri van Marrewijk (TU Delft) Dr Nuria Llombart (TU Delft) Mr Ozan Yurdseven (TU Delft) Prof. Paul van der Werf (Univ. Leiden) Dr Shun Ishii (Univ. Tokyo) Dr Stephen Yates (SRON) Prof. Teun Klapwijk (TU Delft) Mr Vignesh Murugesan (SRON)

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