First Name | Last Name | Affiliation |
Adam | Brown | University of York |
Adria | Casanovas | Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC) |
Aleksandra | Gawlik | University of Lodz |
Alessandro | Masi | CERN |
Alexandru | Negret | Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, IFIN-HH |
Alfredo | Ferrari | CERN |
Andreea | Oprea | Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering |
Annamaria | Mazzone | CNR-INFN |
Anton | Wallner | ANU |
Athanasios | Stamatopoulos | National Technical University of Athens |
Atsushi | Kimura | Japan Atomic Energy Agency |
Carlos | GUERRERO | Univerdad de Sevilla |
Claudia | Lederer | University of Edinburgh |
Cristian | Massimi | INFN-BO and University of Bologna |
Damir | Bosnar | Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Uni. of Zagreb |
Daniel | Cano Ott | CIEMAT |
Desiree | Radeck | Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt |
Emmeric | DUPONT | CEA |
Enrico | Chiaveri | CERN |
Federica | Mingrone | CERN |
Francisco | Calvino | UPC - Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya |
Frank | Gunsing | CERN |
gilardoni | simone | CERN |
Giorgio | Bellia | Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - INFN-LNS |
Giuseppe | Tagliente | INFN Bari |
Helmut | Leeb | TU Wien, Atominstitut |
Ignacio | Duran | USC |
Isabel | Ferro Gonçalves | IST |
Jan | Heyse | EC-JRC |
Jorge | Lerendegui-Marco | Universidad de Sevilla |
Jose L. | Tain | IFIC, CSIC-U. Valencia |
Jozef | Andrzejewski | University of Lodz |
Kathrin | Göbel | Goethe University |
Laurent | Audouin | Université Paris-Sud |
Laurent | Tassan-Got | IPN Orsay |
Lucia | Damone | INFN Bari and University |
Luigi | Cosentino | LNS - INFN |
Macina | Daniela | CERN |
Marco | Calviani | CERN |
Maria | Diakaki | CEA-IRFU Saclay |
Mario | Mastromarco | INFN Sez. Bari |
Marta | Sabate Gilarte | CERN (Switzerland) and University of Sevilla (Spain) |
Massimo | Barbagallo | INFN and CERN |
Massimo | Piscopo | LNS-INFN |
Michael | Bacak | CERN/Technische Universitaet Wien |
Nicola | Colonna | Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare - Sez. di Bari |
Oliver | Aberle | CERN |
Oscar | Trippella | University and INFN of Perugia |
Paolo | Finocchiaro | INFN-LNS |
Paolo Maria | Milazzo | INFN |
Petar | Zugec | Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Uni. of Zagreb |
Peter | Schillebeeckx | EC-JRC-IRMM |
Ralf | Nolte | Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt |
Rene | Reifarth | Goethe Universität Frankfurt |
roberto | cardella | CERN |
Sarah-Jane | Lonsdale | University of Edinburgh |
Schumann | Dorothea | PSI |
Sergio | Cristallo | INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Teramo |
Sergio | Lo Meo | ENEA |
Stephan | Heinitz | Paul Scherrer Insitute |
Toby | Wright | University of Manchester |
Vasilis | Vlachoudis | CERN |
Vincenzo | Variale | INFN-Bari |
Yonghao | CHEN | IPNO |
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