Risto Orava
(Helsinki Inst. of Physics and Univ. of Helsinki, CERN)
The LHC Collider Ring is proposed to be turned into an ultimate automatic search engine for new physics in three consecutive phases: (1) Searches for heavy particles produced in Central Exclusive Process (CEP): pp → p + X + p based on the existing Beam Loss Monitoring (BLM) system of the LHC; (2) Extensions to the current BLM system to facilitate precise registration of the selected CEP proton exit points from the LHC beam vacuum chamber; (3) Integration of the BLM based event tagging system together with the trigger/data acquisition systems of the LHC experiments to facilitate an on-line automatic search machine for the physics of tomorrow.
Primary author
Risto Orava
(Helsinki Inst. of Physics and Univ. of Helsinki, CERN)