Investigation of the low-energy kaons hadronic interactions in light nuclei by AMADEUS

27 Nov 2015, 15:30
Aula Conversi (edif. 57) (LNF)

Aula Conversi (edif. 57)



Mr Kristian Piscicchia (LNF)


The AMADEUS experiment deals with the investigation of the low-energy kaon-nuclei hadronic interaction at the DAΦNE collider at LNF-INFN, trying to answer pending questions in the non-perturbative strangeness QCD sector. AMADEUS step 0 consisted in the reanalysis of 2004/2005 KLOE data, exploiting $K^−$ absorptions in H, ${}^4$He, ${}^9$Be and ${}^{12}$C, leading to the first invariant mass spectroscopy study with very low momentum (100MeV) in-flight $K^−$ captures. The results obtained in the analyses of the hyperon-pion correlated events, searching for the resonant shapes of Y$^*$ states, and the analyses of hyperon-deuteron, and triton correlations, leading to the first measurement of the K- 4NA cross section (for $p_k$=100MeV/c) will be presented. The preliminary measurement of the $K^- p \rightarrow \Sigma^0 \pi^0$ cross section (for $p_k$=100MeV/c) will be also shown.

Presentation materials