25–26 Feb 2016
IUSS - Ferrara 1391
Europe/Rome timezone

Climbing Mont Blanc - a Prototype System for Training in Energy Efficient Programming

25 Feb 2016, 15:00
1 (IUSS - Ferrara 1391)


IUSS - Ferrara 1391

Via Scienze 41b


Lasse Natvig (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)


Climbing Mont Blanc (CMB) is an open online judge used for training in energy efficient programming of state-of-the-art heterogeneous multicores. It is based on an Odroid-XU3 board with an Exynos Octa processor and integrated power sensors. The system currently accepts C and C++ programs, with support for OpenCL v1.1, OpenMP 4.0 and Pthreads. Programs submitted using the graphical user interface are evaluated with respect to performance and energy-efficiency. A small and varied set of problems are available. We are not aware of any other online programming judges that reports energy-efficiency. The talk will present some early experience from using the CMB system, potential opportunities for collaboration and future work. Our long term goal is to learn more about energy-efficient computing on handheld devices from submissions to the system.

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