25–26 Feb 2016
IUSS - Ferrara 1391
Europe/Rome timezone

Low Power processor in HEP

25 Feb 2016, 12:00
1 (IUSS - Ferrara 1391)


IUSS - Ferrara 1391

Via Scienze 41b


Michele Michelotto (INFN)


High Energy Physics benefits from an implicit parallelism at the level of the single physics event. Each event can be processed indipedentely making very easy the distribution of the event on a cluster of independent computing node. The problem is the huge number of events that requires thousand of power hungry worker node. The HEP community is starting to look at even bigger number of smaller but energy efficient processors. The talk will concentrate on the reference benchmark for HEP, called HS06 and the relative performance of present processor in term of HS06/Watt.

Presentation materials