Dec 16 – 18, 2015
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Europe/Rome timezone
Aim of the workshop:
Identifying what Dark Matter (DM) is, as well as its nature and properties, remains a major challenge for both theoretical and experimental astroparticle physics communities. In the past decades, Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) DM has been the most hunted candidate, with the result that nowadays WIMPs are cornered by large amounts of experimental data from Direct Detection, Indirect Detection and Collider Experiments. If no WIMP signal is detected in the next few years, the possibility that this very appealing theoretical idea is not what Nature has chosen will become even more compelling and will boost theoretical studies and experimental searches for non-WIMP alternatives for DM.
The aim of this 3-day meeting is to convene experts on alternatives to the WIMP paradigm to stimulate informal discussions on different possibilities (dark photons, axion-like particles, Majorons, self-interacting dark sectors, just to mention a few). We plan to have only three or four talks each day and plenty of time to discuss implications of these DM scenarios, experimental search strategies, new theoretical proposals, and out-of-mainstream ideas. The general approach and format of the talks will be pedagogical and aimed at favoring extended discussions among all participants. The audience will range from theorists who are expert on related topics to skillful experimentalists planning new non-WIMP detection experiments, as well as postdocs, graduate students and non-expert colleagues working in different areas.

J. Beacham     (Ohio State U. & CERN)
"Lost in a Dark Photon Wood: Searches for hidden light gauge bosons at colliders" 
A. Dolgov          (NSU, Novosibirsk & U. Ferrara) 
"Millicharged particles: a review " 
N. Fornengo       (U. Torino)  
"Status of the WIMP miracle"   
F. Kahlhoefer      (DESY) 
"Searching for dark matter and pseudoscalar mediators at the intensity frontier" 
Hye-Sung Lee    (IBS, Daejeon Korea)
"Dark bosons and the g-2 anomaly"        
A. Lindner          (DESY)                                                
"Axion and WISP searches in Labs"
J. Pradler          (Vienna, OAW)
“Astrophysical and cosmological aspects of Dark Photons" 
J. Redondo        (Zaragoza U. & Munich, Max Planck Inst.)
"Axion Cosmology and Astrophysics"                                
M. Roncadelli     (INFN, Pavia) 
"Astrophysical gamma-ray probes of ALPs"                        
S. Tulin             (York U., Canada)                 
"Self interacting Dark Matter"     

Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
High Energy Building, Seminar Room
Via Enrico Fermi 40 00044 Frascati (ROMA)
Secretariat: Maddalena Legramante tel. 0039 06 94032791 fax 0039 06 94032900
We plan to join together for dinner in Frascati on Thursday /12:  A list will be circulated on Wednesday /12 where participants willing to join should mark  their name. Participants arriving  on Thursday /12 can register for the dinner by sending an email to
RESTAURANT ADDRESS:  Cantina Simonetti                                                                       Piazza San Rocco 4, Frascati (RM)                                                 Tel: 347 6300269

On December 20, 21, 22, access to LNF will be granted to registered participants also from the HE Building gate close to TorVergata train station with the following schedule:
                     From 9:15 am to 10:45am and from 4:00pm to 5:00pm.