Trigger and Data Acquisition Systems In High Energy Physics: The Challenge of the LHCb Upgrade
Domenico Galli(BO)
Sala riunioni I piano (Dep. Physics and Astronomy)
Sala riunioni I piano
Dep. Physics and Astronomy
Via Irnerio, 46
In the perspective of physics analysis, often data processing is thought as starting from the files stored on disks/tapes at the Tier-0 computer centre. However this is only the top half of data processing (off-line processing).
Besides this stage there is a bottom half (TDAQ, on-line data processing), in which electric signal from the detector are amplified, filtered, shaped, compressed and digitised; then digital signal are zero-suppressed, buffered, de-randomised and merged together to build an event (event building); events are selected in real-time (trigger system) and stored on disk (event logging). This stage of data processing is an alchemy of physics, electronics, computing, networking, workarounding, hacking and experience.
The presentation will introduce these aspects and show the challenging proposal of the LHCb upgrade in the LHC long shutdown 2 (2019-20), which foresee the abolition of the hardware trigger and the event building at 30 MHz rate (32 Tb/s aggregate throughput).