Michele Della Morte
(Dept. Of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern Denamrk)
19/05/2016, 14:40
We discuss the relevance of lattice computations in precision tests of the Standard Model, with emphasis on heavy Flavor Physics and Higgs Physics. After a short introduction to the lattice methodology, we present recent computations of low energy hadronic parameters (decay constants and form factors) and quark masses. We do that by describing the FLAG initiative, its scope and the choice of...
Christof Gattringer
(University of Graz)
19/05/2016, 15:20
In recent years considerable progress was made with exactly rewriting lattice field theories in terms of dual variables. These variables are loops for matter fields and surfaces for the gauge degrees of freedom. In terms of the dual variables we can access problems with Monte Carlo simulations that are not tractable in the conventional formulation, in particular systems with chemical potential...