Natalia Pinzani Fokeeva
18/05/2016, 17:10
Even if fluid behavior is ubiquitous in physics, a complete and systematic description by means of a variational principle of an effective action is still lacking.
In this talk I will show how progress can be done by rephrasing fluid dynamics in terms of certain Goldstone degrees of freedom and an underlying Schwinger-Keldysh structure and how this picture can be embedded in terms of slight...
Andrea Amoretti
(University of Cambridge, DAMTP)
18/05/2016, 17:30
In this talk we systematically review the therm-oelectric transport properties of hyperscaling violating holographic models exhibiting mechanism of momentum dissipation and we deeply analyse their possible application to the description of real world strongly coupled condensed matter systems, such as strange metals.
Giuseppe Gagliardi
(Università di Pisa)
18/05/2016, 17:50
I will present a Lattice QCD determination of the zero density quark number fluctuations using the method of analytic continuation to imaginary chemical potential for temperatures ranging from 135Mev up to 350 Mev.
I will discuss how these observables can be used to put bounds on the freeze-out curvature and to locate the second order critical point which is supposed to exist at finite baryon...
Lorenzo Bianchi
(Universität Hamburg)
18/05/2016, 17:50
After introducing the concept of Rényi entropy, we develop a field theoretic framework for calculating its dependence on the shape of the entangling surface in a conformal field theory. Our approach rests on regarding the corresponding twist operator as a conformal defect. We propose a simple constraint between the coefficient defining the two-point function of the displacement operator and...
Ruggero Ferrari
(Milano U & INFN)
18/05/2016, 18:10
A consistent definition of gamma_5 in Dimensional Regularization is essential both for model building and actual calculations.
We propose a novel approach, where the extension of gamma_5 to generic D dimension obeys Lorentz covariance and cyclicity.
Andrea Manenti
(Università di Pisa)
18/05/2016, 18:10
We propose a computation of the Neutron electric dipole moment (NEDM), a well known quantity in QCD related to the "Strong CP problem", by means of the AdS/CFT correspondence. In particular we will use a setting of D8-anti D8 branes in a Type IIA background that goes under the name of Sakai-Sugimoto model. After a brief explanation of the physical interest behind this computation in QCD, we...