Dec 14 – 15, 2015
INFN-Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania,Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

The recent proposal to upgrade the LNS Superconducting cyclotron by increasing the beam intensity of two orders of magnitude with respect to the existing facility represents an important progress in the field of Heavy Ion reactions at Fermi energy with both stable and exotic beams and related applications. 
It is expected that different topics will benefit of this progress. Among these, it is important to mention the nuclear matrix element measurements in double exchange reactions and connection with neutrino physics, the in-flight production of medium – mass exotic beams by fragmentation reactions, clustering phenomena, and so on. Beside, possible overlaps with physics of heavy and super heavy elements productions are also expected. 
In order to start a discussion about this new facility,  we are pleased to announce that a first one day workshop “high intensity beam” HIB@LNS is planned to be held in Catania on 14th­-15th December 2015. The workshop is promoted by INFN-LNS and INFN Division of Catania and supported by  LNS User’s Committee and by ECOS collaboration. Consequently , it is useful that the annual LNS users meeting could follow it starting on 15th (afternoon) December. 
First circular with more general information  (and the opening of the web site for the workshop with indications on registration and full information) will be announced in September and second circular is expected to be announced around at the end of September. The intention is to promote a large debate by collecting ideas and suggestions that will represent an useful step for future letters of intent. 

INFN-Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania,Italy