A five days hands-on course based on Geant4 Monte Carlo toolkit and on ROOT analysis software, will be held at Laboratori Nazionali del Sud in Catania (Italy).
The tutorial will cover both high energy/nuclear physics and medical applications. Lectures will cover all aspects of the toolkit from basic installation through advanced topics and will be interspersed with examples that build a progressively more complex application, extensible to real space or medical use. Registration is closed, because the maximum number of participants has been reached.
Participation fee is 100 €. Under-graduate University students (maximum number of 15) will be granted a fee waiver. A total number of 50 participants will be admitted. PhD students have to pay the regular fee.
Information on accomodation will be soon given. Participants are recommended to bring their own laptop with (preferably) a Linux or an OSX operating system. Participants with a Windows operative system will be able to connect, via ssh, to specific desktop machine. Moreover, a virtual machine with a Linux OS and a ready-to-use Geant4 and ROOT installation, will be provided in these pages in the next weeks, together with the installation instructions. --> FEE PAYMENT Fee payment can be done by bank transfer or using the credit card (for the moment, only bank transfer is available). For INFN staff and associate, please use directly funds available in your Section and move the amount directly to INFN-LNS by means of your administration. In any case, please send an email to francesco.romano@lns.infn.it and potenzav@lns.infn.it, once the payment has been done or for any kind of issue.
- bank tranfer please, send an email once the transfer has been executed; UNICREDIT S.p.A., Via E. Fermi 40, Rome (Italy), "INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud", IBAN:IT60S0200839105000102577672, swift: UNCRITM1385, subject "Partecipation fee to 2nd Geant4 Int School"
The tutorial will cover both high energy/nuclear physics and medical applications. Lectures will cover all aspects of the toolkit from basic installation through advanced topics and will be interspersed with examples that build a progressively more complex application, extensible to real space or medical use. Registration is closed, because the maximum number of participants has been reached.
Participation fee is 100 €. Under-graduate University students (maximum number of 15) will be granted a fee waiver. A total number of 50 participants will be admitted. PhD students have to pay the regular fee.
Information on accomodation will be soon given. Participants are recommended to bring their own laptop with (preferably) a Linux or an OSX operating system. Participants with a Windows operative system will be able to connect, via ssh, to specific desktop machine. Moreover, a virtual machine with a Linux OS and a ready-to-use Geant4 and ROOT installation, will be provided in these pages in the next weeks, together with the installation instructions. --> FEE PAYMENT Fee payment can be done by bank transfer or using the credit card (for the moment, only bank transfer is available). For INFN staff and associate, please use directly funds available in your Section and move the amount directly to INFN-LNS by means of your administration. In any case, please send an email to francesco.romano@lns.infn.it and potenzav@lns.infn.it, once the payment has been done or for any kind of issue.
- bank tranfer please, send an email once the transfer has been executed; UNICREDIT S.p.A., Via E. Fermi 40, Rome (Italy), "INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud", IBAN:IT60S0200839105000102577672, swift: UNCRITM1385, subject "Partecipation fee to 2nd Geant4 Int School"
Final acceptance will be done according to the fee payment. Consider that the number of the possible registrants has already overcome the availability. We kindly suggest to pay as soon as possible, registration will be closed once the maximum number will be reached.
This page is under construction and it will be continuosly updated.
For any information on the Geant4 course please contact: Dr. Pablo Cirrone, Dr. Luciano Pandola, Dr. Francesco Romano (pablo.cirrone@lns.infn.it, luciano.pandola@lngs.infn.it, francesco.romano@lns.infn.it)
You will find the prerequisites for the Geant4 and ROOT course at the link "Prerequisites".
LINK TO THE PRACTICAL EXERCISES:http://geant4.lngs.infn.it/Geant4Catania2014/introduction/index.html