DrAna-Paula Bernardes((CERN, Geneva) on behalf of EN-STI-RBS section)
C. Villi meeting room (INFN-LNL)
C. Villi meeting room
The On-Line Isotope Mass Separator ISOLDE is a facility dedicated to the production of a large variety of radioactive ion beams for a great number of different experiments. At ISOLDE, radioactive nuclides are produced in thick targets via spallation, fission or fragmentation reactions. The targets are placed in the external proton beam of the PS Booster, which has an energy of 1.4 GeV and an intensity of about 2 μA. The target production is done in dedicated laboratories where contamination (α,β,γ) can be handled safely. A large range of activities, inside the primary area and these class A laboratories, may expose people to internal or external contamination (maintenance on vacuum systems and Front-ends, target production or dismantling…). Emergency interventions in such an environment are not trivial in the case of a contaminated victim or fire. The different actors in an emergency situation, such as production/operation team, medical services, fire brigade and radioprotection have to be trained to face such events in order to increase the efficiency of there intervention and to reduce the risk to spread contamination during a degraded event. This presentation will give a summary of what is done at ISOLDE in this subject.