The SPES Target- Ion Source system diagnostic: a preliminary study
DrMichele Ballan
Director meeting room (INFN-LNL)
Director meeting room
The Target - Ion Source system (TIS) is the central core of the SPES facility, where the Primary Proton Beam (PPB) is converted into the Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) through a multi-foil UCx target. For both safety and operation reasons it is vital to gain the maximum information about its status in many different working conditions, identifying which are the most critical parameters that have to be monitored and choosing the most reliable sensors that could be used. Using a both experimental and numerical approach, this work is mainly aimed to identify and test devices and procedures for the measurements of one of the most significant parameter, which is the temperature of the TIS system. Taking into account that the TIS system is at high temperature (over 2000°C) in a high vacuum environment (10-6mbar) in a highly radioactive environment, type C thermocouples have been evaluated and tested. Since the first significant tests showed comforting results the research on this kind of temperature sensors has been further developed. The final aim is to create a control system able to compare instantly the output of the sensors with a database of information obtained both from off-line tests and FEM results from a validated numerical model, in order to understand if some critical situations have occurred.