Seminari di gruppo IV

Another look at collective neutrino oscillations

by Prof. Evgeny Akhmedov (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg)

0M04 (M.S. Angelo)


M.S. Angelo

Abstract - In dense neutrino backgrounds present in supernovae and in the early Universe neutrino oscillations may exhibit complex collective phenomena, such as synchronized oscillations, bipolar oscillations and spectral splits and swaps. I will discuss in detail possible decoherence effects on the simplest of these phenomena -- synchronized neutrino oscillations. An analytic approach is developed that allows one to study decoherence effects on the late-time behaviour of the system. This turns out to be possible due to the existence of the (previously unknown) exact conservation law satisfied by the quantities describing a uniform gas of self-interacting neutrinos and antineutrinos. Interpretation of the decoherence effects in terms of neutrino wave packet separation is given.