15–18 Feb 2009
LAL, Orsay
Europe/Rome timezone


Plenary IV - Summary of the Parallel Sessions

18 Feb 2009, 11:00
LAL, Orsay

LAL, Orsay


<font color="blue">Location: AUDITORIUM</font>

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Prof. Achille Stocchi (LAL - Univeriste Paris Sud and IN2p3/CNRS)
18/02/2009, 11:00
Maria Enrica Biagini (LNF)
18/02/2009, 11:25
Francesco Forti (PI)
18/02/2009, 11:50
Mauro Morandin (INFN)
18/02/2009, 12:15
Guy Wormser (LAL)
18/02/2009, 12:40
Building timetable...