Ultra-intense Laser Interactions Science

INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) - Italy
Antonio Giulietti (CNR), Carmela Strangio (ENEA), Massimo Ferrario (INFN-LNF)
We are pleased to announce the second edition of the Ultra-Intense Laser Interaction Science conference “ULIS2009@Frascati” to be held at the National Laboratories of INFN in Frascati (LNF-INFN) next May 2009, from 24th to 29th. The ULIS conference series was launched by Ph. Martin, S. Jacquemot and E. Mevel with ULIS2007 in Bordeaux with the intention of offering to researchers involved in experimental, numerical or theoretical studies on Strong Field or Ultra-High Intensity science (UHI) and Inertial Fusion for Energy (IFE) an outstanding opportunity to gather and compare their expertise and then to federate these communities. The success of ULIS 2007 exceeded the most optimistic expectations. ULIS 2009 will keep the same objectives while further opening the participation to a multidisciplinary scientific community. Topics to be addressed will then include: - New Laser Sources: High Energy – High Power - Fundamental Processes at Ultra-High Intensity - Relativistic Optics in Plasmas - Advanced IFE Schemes including Fast Ignition - Laser-driven Particle Accelerators and their potential uses - Secondary Sources, Applications and Radioprotection Issues - Attosecond science “ULIS2009@Frascati” will be hosted by LNF-INFN labs, where a frontier laboratory is being set-up with the installation of the 300 TW - 20 fs FLAME laser operating in close connection with the 150 MeV Linac of the SPARC Free Electron Laser. Across the road from INFN there is the ENEA Research Centre with its infrastructures devoted to Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion, including the ABC laser laboratory.
  • Adolfo Esposito
  • Akito Sagisaka
  • Alessio Morace
  • Alexander Andreev
  • Alexander Debus
  • Andre D. Bandrauk
  • Andrea Gamucci
  • Andrea Ghigo
  • Andrea Macchi
  • Angela Pirri
  • Antoine Compant La Fontaine
  • Antonia Popp
  • Antonio Giulietti
  • Arnaud Andre
  • Arnaud Malvache
  • Artem Korzhimanov
  • Benjamín Alonso
  • Bhuvanesh Ramakrishna
  • borort antonin
  • Bryn Parry
  • Camilo Ruiz
  • Candice Mezel
  • Carlo Alberto Cecchetti
  • Carlo Benedetti
  • Carmen Fonseca
  • Christian Spielmannn
  • Cristina Hernandez-Gomez
  • Cyril Plaisir
  • Daniele Margarone
  • Danilo Giulietti
  • David Mascali
  • David Neely
  • Didier NORMAND
  • Dimitri Batani
  • Dimitrios Charalambidis
  • Efim Khazanov
  • Eugene Clark
  • Farhad Faisal
  • Francesc Salvat
  • Francesco Vittori
  • francois sylla
  • George Tsakiris
  • Gerhard Paulus
  • Gilles Riboulet
  • Guido Toci
  • Hannachi Fazia
  • Hideyuki Kotaki
  • Hiroaki NISHIMURA
  • Hiromitsu Kiriyama
  • Jonathan Davies
  • Julien Fuchs
  • Julio San Roman
  • Kaoru Yamanouchi
  • Karol Janulewicz
  • Katsumi Midorikawa
  • Kazuyoshi Koyama
  • Leonida A. Gizzi
  • Livia Lancia
  • Luca Labate
  • luca serafini
  • Luigi Palumbo
  • Luis Cardoso
  • Luis Roso
  • Marco Galimberti
  • Maria Richetta
  • Markus Roth
  • Martin Tolley
  • Massimo Bonfante
  • Matteo Passoni
  • Matteo Vannini
  • Matthias Burza
  • Matthias Schnuerer
  • Michael Dunne
  • Michel Bougeard
  • Michele Raynaud
  • Mikhail Veysman
  • Mitsuru Uesaka
  • Nadejda Vassileva Drenska
  • Natalia Naumova
  • Naveen Chandra Pathak
  • Nkengifor Valery
  • Paola Squillacioti
  • Pascal Monot
  • Patrizio Antici
  • Paul McKenna
  • Peter Mulser
  • Petra Maria Koester
  • Philippe Martin
  • Rashida Jafer
  • Riccardo Faccini
  • Romuald Fitour
  • Salvatore Stagira
  • Sandrine Dobosz Dufrénoy
  • Sargis Ter-Avetisyan
  • Sebastien CORDE
  • Sergei Gasilov
  • Sergio Betti
  • Slawomir Jablonski
  • Stefano Atzeni
  • Sven Steinke
  • Tadzio Levato
  • Thomas Kluge
  • Tiberio CECCOTTI
  • Victor Malka
  • Vikrant Saxena
  • Xiaohui Yuan
  • Íñigo Sola