Seminari INFN

Higgs searches beyond the Standard Model at the Large Hadron Collider

by Paolo Meridiani (ROMA1)

Aula Rasetti (Dip. di Fisica - Edificio G. Marconi)

Aula Rasetti

Dip. di Fisica - Edificio G. Marconi

The discovery of a scalar particle with properties compatible with the Standard Model Higgs boson by ATLAS and CMS at the LHC opens the possibility to use this particle as a tool to investigate in detail the electroweak simmetry breaking mechanism. Indeed several models which extend the SM predict deviations of the Higgs couplings to bosons and fermions with respect to the SM, exotic Higgs decays (e.g. lepton flavour violating decays, invisible Higgs decays...), as well as the possibility of an extended Higgs sector, with additional scalar neutral or charged particles. I will review the efforts done at the Large Hadron Collider by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations during Run I to probe these scenarios, and give prospects to further enhance the scope of these searches in the future runs of the LHC.