Advances in Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy for Environmental Monitoring and Heavy Metal and Trace Analysis using Neutron Activation Analysis
Prof.Sheldon Landsberger(University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA)
M. B. Ceolin meeting room (INFN-LNL)
M. B. Ceolin meeting room
Since 1945 when Van Heerden successfully fabricated solid state conductivity counters for the detection of alpha particles and gamma-rays by AgCl crystals gamma-ray spectrometry has undergone major revolutionary and evolutionary changes from higher efficiencies, to better resolutions and to hand held devices. For the past twenty-seven years Dr. Landsberger has used various methodologies in neutron activation analysis, Compton suppression and γ-γ techniques to determine a wide range of samples for naturally occurring radioactive material and those that have undergone neutron activation analysis. More recently, NAA has been successfully used to determine 238,235,.234U, Thorium and 40K in various environmental and geological material vastly reducing counting times and need for large samples in conjunction with totally automated irradiation and counting facilities. A complete overview of these methods and their applications will be discussed.