Registration and abstract submission Registration and abstract submission to TAUP 2015 are open. They are handled through the registration form on this site. For all other information on the Conference, please refer to the official TAUP 2015 web site. Links are reported in the box on the left. Deadline for abstract submission: June 1, 2015 Submission of abstracts is accepted until: June 15, 2015 Deadline for registration to the conference: August 15, 2015 --> Submission of abstracts is closed Deadline for registration to the conference: August 15, 2015 or maximum acceptance reached (whichever comes first) Fee and payment method The Conference fee is 480 Euros. The fee covers lunches from Monday to Thursday, coffee breaks and social events. The fee can be payed by bank transfer or credit card until August 31, 2015 (instructions are provided below). At the venue, cash in euros will be accepted. Please note that bank transfer is the preferred method of payment. Bank transfer instructions The bank transfer has to be addressed to (don't forget to put your name in the description of payment): Recipient name: CIFS (Consorzio Interuniversitario di Fisica Spaziale) Recipient bank: INTESA SAN PAOLO IBAN: IT71Q 03069 09217 10000 0460045 SWIFT code: BCITITMM After payment, please send a copy of the receipt by fax or email to the conference secretariat at: Gabriella Ardizzoia Consorzio Interuniversitario per la Fisica Spaziale (CIFS) Fax number: +39 011 670 5883 Email: taup2015 [at] Credit card instructions For payment with credit card, fill in the following form: CREDIT CARD FORMand send it either by fax or email to the conference secretariat at: Gabriella Ardizzoia Consorzio Interuniversitario per la Fisica Spaziale (CIFS) Fax number: +39 011 670 5883 Email: taup2015 [at] IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Universal Exposition EXPO 2015 will be ongoing in Milano from May 1 to October 31, 2015, with a very large number of expected participants. This might affect the availability of hotels also in Torino. Participants are therefore invited to SET UP THEIR HOTEL AND TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS WELL IN ADVANCE, to avoid both lack of availability and increased fares. Privacy statement Personal information collected by the TAUP2015 Organizing Commitee is treated as confidential and is protected by the italian Privacy Act DLGS 196/2003. The data will be stored and used uniquely for purposes related to the organization of the Conference and will not be distributed in any form. The responsible for the treatment of the personal data is the Chair of the TAUP2015 Organizing Committee.
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