Random interfaces and integrable probability

A (GGI, Florence)


GGI, Florence


This conference is part of the two month program on `Statistical Mechanics, Integrability and Combinatorics', held at Galileo Galilei Institute in Florence, May 11-July 3, 2015.
Emphasis is put on random interfaces, such as those emerging in dimer models, random polymer models, random growth processes, Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Processes, and their properties in the limit of large systems. Recent progresses in the field are based on new tools developed in probability theory, building on a fundamental property underlying all these models, namely integrability.
                 Web site of the conference is: http://theory.fi.infn.it/SMIC/confRM
  • Alessio Squarcini
  • Alexander Goncharov
  • Alexander Razumov
  • Alexandr Garbali
  • Alexei Borodin
  • Alexey Bufetov
  • Amol Aggarwal
  • Andrea De Luca
  • Andrei Pronko
  • Annalisa Marzuoli
  • Balint Veto
  • Béatrice de Tilière
  • Christian Krattenthaler
  • Codina Cotar
  • Craig Tracy
  • Cristian Giardina
  • Dan Betea
  • Dan Romik
  • Daria Rudneva
  • Elena Tartaglia
  • Fabio Franchini
  • Fabio Toninelli
  • Farshid Zoghalchi
  • Filippo Colomo
  • François David
  • Fraydoun Rezakhanlou
  • Greta Panova
  • Guillaume Barraquand
  • Guillermo Raul Zemba
  • Hjalmar Rosengren
  • Ivan Corwin
  • Jan De Gier
  • JeanEmile Bourgine
  • Jeanne Scott
  • Jesper Jacobsen
  • Jianqin Mei
  • John Harnad
  • Jérémie Bouttier
  • Kari Eloranta
  • Lam Pham
  • Leonid Petrov
  • Luca Migliorini
  • Maurice Duits
  • Milosz Panfil
  • Mingan Yang
  • Mirjana Vuletic
  • Nicolai Reshetikhin
  • Nicolas Allegra
  • Omar Foda
  • Patrik Ferrari
  • Paul Fendley
  • Pavel Krapivsky
  • Pavlo Selyshchev
  • Philippe Di Francesco
  • pierre le doussal
  • Povolotskiy Alexander
  • Richard Kenyon
  • Rima Rekik
  • Rinat Kedem
  • Sanjay Ramassamy
  • Sevak Mkrtchyan
  • Sunil Chhita
  • Tomohiro Sasamoto
  • Vadim Gorin
  • vieri mastropietro
  • Zhongyang Li
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