21–25 Sept 2015
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Europe/Rome timezone

Light Front Fermion Field Quantization with Explicit Lorentz Symmetry

21 Sept 2015, 18:10
Hall Aula Bruno Touschek (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati)

Hall Aula Bruno Touschek

Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati



Dr Jan Żochowski (University of Białystok)


A novel quantization procedure with the explicit Lorentz symmetry is applied for a fermion field in $D=3+1$ dimensions. The Wightman function for a free fermion field is evaluated in terms of the covariant singular function $\Delta_{+}(x)$. The singularities at the LF hypersurface $x^{+}=0$ appear whenever the "bad" component $\psi_{-}$ is considered. Accordingly the anti-commutator function cannot follow from the canonical Dirac method for constrained systems. The chronological ordering in $x^{+}$ temporal variable leads to the Feynman propagator with a well-known addition of non-covariant term. The Yukawa model in $D=3+1$ dimensions is considered for the Gaussian effective potential with the point-splitting regularization with a space-like separation.

Primary author

Dr Jan Żochowski (University of Białystok)


Prof. Jerzy A. Przeszowski (University of Białystok)

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