S.L. Olsen(Institute for Basic Science Daejeon, Korea)
Aula Conversi (Dip. di Fisica - Edificio G. Marconi)
Aula Conversi
Dip. di Fisica - Edificio G. Marconi
Many candidate multiquark mesons, i.e., mesons with substructures that are more complex that the quark-antiquark prescription that is in the textbooks, have recently been observed. Many of the most recently observed candidate states are electrically charged and have the same spin and parity, namely JP=1+. In this talk I give an overview of the current experimental situation and try to identify some patterns among the recently discovered JP=1+ states that may give some hints about the underlying dynamics that are at play and suggest the existence of other states that should be accessible at LHC and the BelleII experiments.