XDAQ software framework for distributed trigger and data acquisition systems in physics experiments
DrAndrea Petrucci(CERN)
M. Ceolin meeting room (INFN-LNL)
M. Ceolin meeting room
XDAQ is a software platform designed specifically for the development of distributed data acquisition systems. The development is carried out at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. XDAQ eases the tasks of designing, programming and managing data acquisition applications by providing a simple, consistent and integrated distributed programming environment. The framework builds upon industrial standards, open protocols and libraries. The XDAQ distributed programming environment follows a layered middleware approach, designed according to the object-oriented model and implemented using the C++ programming language.
The distributed processing infrastructure is made scalable by the ability to partition applications into smaller functional units that can be distributed over multiple processing units. In this scheme each computing node runs a copy of an executive that can be extended at run-time with binary plugin components.
The core interfaces lie between the middleware and core plugin components, providing access to basic system functionalities and communication hardware. Core plugins manage basic system functions on behalf of the user applications, including network access, memory management and device access. The XDAQ framework is used by the CMS and ALICE experiments for the online system (data acquisition and control).
An overview on the Run Control Monitor System and on the DAQ system now in use at CMS Point 5 will be also given.