Molecular states in 24Mg: feasibility of an experiment
DrDaniele Montanari(Institut for Advanced Studies - University of Strasbourg Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien - CNRS)
LAE meeting room (INFN-LNL)
LAE meeting room
The study of heavy ions in the light mass region revealed the existence of a class of nuclear states generally known as molecular states. A nuclear molecule (NM) can be considered as a deformed system composed of to nuclei bound by a quasi-molecular potential, where the least bound nucleons orbit around the dinuclear system. Experimentally, NM are observed in heavy ions as tight resonances (some hundredths of keV) in diffusion cross sections. These resonances constitute an experimental evidence in favour of the fact that the two interacting nuclei keep their identity during the collision and form a system which can vibrate and rotate as an atomic molecule. In this seminar it will be show a simulation of a dedicated experimental setup for the reaction 12C+12C to investigate molecular states in 24Mg.