Part 1
- Kristian Piscicchia (LNF)
Johann Marton
(Stefan Meyer Institute)
14/05/2014, 09:15
An international network for HadronPhysics in Horizon is proposed to join
groups working in studies on open issues in strangeness and charm physics. The network IMPACTs includes experimental and theoretical studies.
An overview of the research topics of IMPACTS will be given in the talk.
Avraham Gal
(Hebrew University, Jerusalem)
14/05/2014, 09:30
In this talk I will review recent studies of kaonic atoms, few-body kaonic
quasibound states and kaonic nuclei, with emphasis on implementing the sub-threshold energy dependence of the Kbar-N interaction in chiral interaction models that are consistent with the SIDDHARTA kaonic hydrogen data. Remarks will be made on the possible role of the p-wave Sigma(1385) resonance with respect to that...