Johann Marton
(Stefan Meyer Institute)
14/05/2014, 09:15
An international network for HadronPhysics in Horizon is proposed to join
groups working in studies on open issues in strangeness and charm physics. The network IMPACTs includes experimental and theoretical studies.
An overview of the research topics of IMPACTS will be given in the talk.
Avraham Gal
(Hebrew University, Jerusalem)
14/05/2014, 09:30
In this talk I will review recent studies of kaonic atoms, few-body kaonic
quasibound states and kaonic nuclei, with emphasis on implementing the sub-threshold energy dependence of the Kbar-N interaction in chiral interaction models that are consistent with the SIDDHARTA kaonic hydrogen data. Remarks will be made on the possible role of the p-wave Sigma(1385) resonance with respect to that...
Mihail Antoniu Iliescu
14/05/2014, 12:00
Kristian Piscicchia
14/05/2014, 12:30
The AMADEUS experiment deals with the investigation of the low-energy
kaon-nuclei hadronic interaction at the DA$\Phi$NE collider at LNF-INFN, which is fundamental to solve longstanding questions in the non-perturbative strangeness QCD sector. AMADEUS step 0 consisted in the reanalysis of 2004/2005 KLOE data, exploiting $K^-$ absorptions in $H$, ${}^4He$, ${}^{9}Be$ and ${}^{12}C$, leading...
Giuseppe Alberti
14/05/2014, 15:00
Systems of selfgravitating Fermions constitute a topic of great interest in astrophysics, due to the wide range of applications, and are used also to explain dark matter in galaxies and clusters of galaxies. Here, we study the gravitational equilibrium of spherical models describing a semidegenerate collisionless gas. The Fermi-Dirac distribution function, modified by a cutoff term in order to...
Martina Donnari
(Univ. Sapienza)
14/05/2014, 15:30
Dark energy, discovered by observations of the SN Ia at redshift z<1, affects the large scale stellar structures in the Universe, like the galaxy clusters. Being the observed velocities of the galaxies inside a cluster largely smaller than the light velocity, we can derive, and numerically solve, the gravitational equilibrium equation in presence of dark energy by considering the Newtonian...
(Univ. Sapienza)
14/05/2014, 16:30
Thermodynamics is very important in the dynamical evolution of globular clusters. The effects of the stellar encounters and the evaporation of stars due to the presence of the tidal forces of the galaxy suggest the possibility of considering a thermodynamical equilibrium and therefore a new treatment including the statistical mechanics. It is possible to construct equilibrium models with a...
Marco Merafina
(University of Rome La Sapienza)
14/05/2014, 17:00
In the analysis of the evolution of globular clusters, stellar encounters strongly contribute in phase space mixing of stellar orbits. In this scenario, thermodynamics plays a central role in the gravitational equilibrium and stability of the clusters, being binary relaxation time shorter than the age of such systems. On the other hand, the observations of luminosity profiles of globular...
Marco Merafina
(University of Rome La Sapienza)
In the analysis of the evolution of globular clusters, stellar encounters strongly contribute in phase space mixing of stellar orbits. In this scenario, thermodynamics plays a central role in the gravitational equilibrium and stability of the clusters, being binary relaxation time shorter than the age of such systems.
On the other hand, the observations of luminosity profiles of globular...