A two parameters fit of lepton and quark masses

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Prof. Federico Palmonari (INFN & University, Bologna)


In the three charged fermion families of the Standard Model, the mass ratios between $2^{nd}$ and $1^{st}$, $3^{rd}$ and $2^{nd}$ generations can be approximated by power laws of the integer numbers 3, 4 and 7 with integer exponents which are function of their generation index i=1, 2, 3. Each recursive formula is extended to i=0 and this mass value is used as a free parameter to fit the lepton and quarks experimental masses. All together the lepton and quarks masses are reproduced within few percent by only one free parameter which turns out to be $R_C = Q_e/Q_m$, the ratio of electric and magnetic charge. The compatibility of the model with the SM of elementary particles and a possible interpretation of the nature of hadron masses as due to hidden magnetic charges is discussed. In the same framework of power law mass ratios a peculiar type of the neutrino mass spectrum, compatible with the measured square mass differences of oscillating neutrinos, has been found. In conclusion the SM fermion masses have been fitted by two free parameters.

Primary author

Prof. Federico Palmonari (INFN & University, Bologna)

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