Federico Palmonari
(INFN & University, Bologna)
In the three charged fermion families of the Standard Model, the mass ratios between $2^{nd}$ and $1^{st}$, $3^{rd}$ and $2^{nd}$ generations can be approximated by power laws of the integer numbers 3, 4 and 7 with integer exponents which are function of their generation index i=1, 2, 3. Each recursive formula is extended to i=0 and this mass value is used as a free parameter to fit the...
Giorgio Chiarelli
I believe that the scenario for "What Next" in the SM group (and not only) should include the possibility to push for HE-LHC as an alternative to other paths.
Fabio Cossutti
(TS on behalf of the CMS Collaboration)
The physics reach of the CMS detector achievable with 300(0)/fb of proton-proton collisions recorded at sqrt(s) = 14TeV is presented. Ultimate precision on measurements of Higgs boson properties, top quark physics, and electroweak processes are discussed, as well as the discovery potential for new particles beyond the standard model. In addition, the potential for future heavy ion physics is...
Fabio Cossutti
(TS on behalf of the CMS Collaboration)
Studies of the pp -> WZjj vector boson scattering process in 14 TeV pp collisions using upgraded CMS detector configurations are presented. These studies include assessments of the discovery potential for observing longitudinal vector boson scattering for luminosities up to 300/fb and for observing anomalous quartic gauge couplings with luminosities of 300/fb and 3000/fb.
Guido Maria Urciuoli
(INFN Sezione di Roma)
Una classe di esperimenti che hanno la potenzialità di effettuare verifiche molte precise del Modello Standard. Si tratta degli esperimenti che misurano la Asimmetria Violante la Parità (APV) nella diffusione di elettroni su nuclei e nucleoni. L’elettrone interagisce con la materia tramite interazione elettrodebole. La parte elettromagnetica di questa interazione è, come ben noto,...