8–12 Sept 2014
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Europe/Rome timezone


Registration Form

Opened 20 Feb 2014
Closed 10 Aug 2014
Contact info

Participant can register by filling the on-line Registration Form, following the instruction written below for the payment of the conference fee. FEE The Conference Fee will be at 100,-Euro per person if made within August 10, 2014. Late registrants have to pay an extra 10,-Euro fee. The registration fee does not include lunches Lunches will be served in the new LNF Canteen paying directly at the cashier. Please register as soon as possible to simplify our organizational plannings TERM OF PAYMENT The payment should be done : - in cash upon arrival at the Registration Desk (checks and credit cards cannot be accepted), or - via bank transfer to: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Partita IVA 04430461006 Codice Fiscale 84001850589 bank: ABI: 02008 UNICREDIT SPA CAB: 39105 FRASCATI I.N.F.N. C/C 000102577662 IBAN: IT31Q0200839105000102577662 Codice BIC/SWIFT: UNCRITM1385 Note: "Hadron Physics Workshop 2014" fee - Last name/Name In this case a pdf copy of the transfer should be sent to the conference secretary: donatella.pierluigi@lnf.infn.it IMPORTANT FOR PARTICIPANTS SUPPORTED BY INFN: the confereence fee of participants supported by INFN will be paid through an internal transfer between INFN sections and you don't ned to make the bank transfer.

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.