Reactions with exotic nuclei at ISOLDE: recent results and future plans
DrRiccardo Raabe(Leuven University, Belgio)
Rostagni meeting room (INFN-LNL)
Rostagni meeting room
Nuclear reactions on exotic beams have provided important information on shell migration and persistency of magic numbers far from stability. At ISOLDE such studies have been performed successfully in various regions of the chart of nuclei. We will review some of the results, focusing on recent ones obtained in the neutron-rich Ni region where theoretical efforts are also ongoing.
The HIE-ISOLDE upgrade, with the increase in beam energy, will extend the possibility of reaction studies to regions of heavier nuclei and to reactions with negative Q-values such as (d,3He). Plans for new instrumentations include the use of an active target and possibly a solenoidal spectrometer. On a longer term, the coupling of the post-accelerator to a storage ring could further improve the optical and intensity properties of the ISOLDE beams.