Progress in QCD (II)
- J. Bartels
Dmitry Ivanov
(Sobolev Institute of Mathematics)
14/09/2014, 11:00
Progress in QCD
We study the $\gamma^* \gamma^*$ total cross section
in the NLA BFKL approach. We have extracted the NLO corrections to
the photon impact factor from two recent
papers of Balitsky and Chirilli and Chirilly and Kovchegov. Then use
them to build several representations of the total cross section, equivalent within
the NLA.
We have combined these different representations
with two among...
Alan Martin
(IPPP, Durham)
14/09/2014, 11:20
Progress in QCD
We present an evolution equation which simultaneously sums the leading BFKL and DGLAP logarithms for the integrated gluon distribution in terms of a single variable, namely the emission angle of the gluon.
This form of evolution is appropriate for Monte Carlo simulations of events of high energy prton-proton interactions, particularly where small x events are sampled.
Oleg Teryaev
14/09/2014, 11:40
Progress in QCD
The (semi) exclusive pion-nucleon Drell-Yan processes with different non-perturbative QCD ingredients are considered. The classical one involves proton Generalized parton distribution (GPD) and pion distribution amplitude, while another one invloves proton and pion GPDs. For the first mechanism collinear factorization holds while for the second one the analytic continuation may be applied....
Antoni Szczurek
(Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow and Rzeszow University, Rzeszow)
14/09/2014, 12:00
Progress in QCD
We discuss production of four-jet final state
$pp \to jjjjX$ in proton-proton collisions at the LHC
through the mechanism of double-parton scattering (DPS)
in the context of jets with large rapidity separation.
The DPS contributions are calculated within
the so-called factorized Ansatz and each step of DPS
is calculated in the LO collinear approximation.
The LO pQCD calculations...
Mariusz Sadzikowski
(Jagiellonian University)
14/09/2014, 12:20
Progress in QCD
Prompt J/psi hadroduction is considered beyond the leading twist
two-gluon production mechanism. A contribution to the process is analysed in which the meson production is mediated by three-gluons, with two gluons coming from the target and one gluon from the projectile. Such contribution is enhanced at large energies due to large double gluon density at small x. This contribution is...